3 Ladies v2
Soft music from the phone on her nightstand lifts her from a deep sleep to drowsy semi-awareness. As the volume of the music grows, she’s pulled into the present and silences the phone before it wakes her wife. She slips out from under the covers, out of the bedroom and into the guest bathroom where she laid out her exercise clothes the night before.
He wakes before dawn to head to the steel mill for another 12-hour shift, just as he does every single day save for July 4th, which Mr. Carnegie has deemed the only work holiday of the year. The bed, really just a cot, he rents from the company is shared with another worker who does the night shift.
Factory Life
Even though God saw fit to bless her with a daughter, she still felt the loss of her son deeply and at times wondered how a loving and merciful God could take her child from her. He will one day welcome her through the gates of heaven so she can be with her son again. There are moments when clinging to this hope is the only thing that keeps her going.
1800 Farmer
The treaty their father signed with the Lenape Indian Chief Tamanend in 1683 declared they would "live in peace as long as the waters run in the rivers and creeks and as long as the stars and moon endure," made him a beloved figure but said nothing about what was to be done if the money ran out.
Penn Breakfast
Waking up before sunrise to prepare a breakfast of bread, dates and beer, she can already feel the heat that will make work midday impossible. Beer is the beverage of choice because her family grows wheat and barley--the two most common crops in ancient Egypt--and because the Nile River is the water source for everything from crops, to all cleaning and the community toilet.
Egyptian Breakfast
She wakes up with a start at the sound of a stick cracking. Thinking the noise might be a predator, she instinctively pulls the six-month old baby sleeping next to her close. Upon realizing it’s her mate tending the fire they built last night, she relaxes.
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Matt Ward
There may be no better example of a “first world problem” than having access to too many calories rather than too few. The knowledge that made it so easy for us to acquire mouth-watering food at virtually any moment, however, has a dark side: the inverse relationship between the effort required per calorie for a food choice and how healthy a choice it is.
Salad and Cheeseburger

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